Week 5

why doesn’t everyone do it?

Jenny Richmond

This week at workshop we are going to talk about the risks and benefits of sharing research data. Choose one of the following papers, read it carefully and write a Summary and Reaction. Bring your notes to workshop so that you can contribute to the debate.

Option 1

Houtkoop, B. L., Chambers, C., Macleod, M., Bishop, D. V., Nichols, T. E., & Wagenmakers, E. J. (2018). Data sharing in psychology: A survey on barriers and preconditions. Advances in methods and practices in psychological science, 1(1), 70-85.

Option 2

Levenstein, M. C., & Lyle, J. A. (2018). Data: Sharing is caring. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(1), 95-103.

Option 3

Meyer, M. N. (2018). Practical tips for ethical data sharing. Advances in methods and practices in psychological science, 1(1), 131-144.

Option 4

Dunn, B. D., O’Mahen, H., Wright, K., & Brown, G. (2019). A commentary on research rigour in clinical psychological science: How to avoid throwing out the innovation baby with the research credibility bath water in the depression field. Behaviour research and therapy, 120, 103417.

Option 5

Tackett, J. L., Brandes, C. M., King, K. M., & Markon, K. E. (2019). Psychology’s replication crisis and clinical psychological science. Annual review of clinical psychology, 15, 579-604.