Other learning resources

A collection of other R videos that might be useful

Tidyverse videos

The RLadies Sydney course walks you through basics, cleaning, visualisation and RMarkdown while dealing with data about enterococci bacteria at Sydney Beaches. You may not swim at Malabar ever again. Access the RYouWithMe course here

Kelly Bodwin teaches stats at CalPoly and had a great playlist of R videos on youtube.

David Robinson live streams himself attempting the Tidy Tuesday challenge each week. You can access the Tidy Tuesday data here and watch David wrangle and visualise the data each week here.

Basic statistics videos

There are a few great stats in R teachers who put their course videos on youtube. I particularly like these ones in particular.

Workflow videos

Dani put together series of videos about how to structure a project and name things in ways that are more consistent and reproducible. You can access the Project Structure playlist here.