plan example

this is an example of what your reproducibility plan should look like

Jenny Richmond true

The paper we are planning to reproduce is…

Hill, S. E., Prokosch, M. L., DelPriore, D. J., Griskevicius, V., & Kramer, A. (2016). Low childhood socioeconomic status promotes eating in the absence of energy need. Psychological Science, 27, 354–364.

The data is available to download from this OSF repo.

NOTE: JennyS might use this data as an example in Q&A sessions, you can download the csv file here.

NOTE: If you would like to download this .Rmd file to use as a template, you can download it here


There are 3 studies reported in this paper. For each study, the goal is to reproduce the …

  1. demographic descriptives (reported in Participants)
  2. figures (column graphs reporting total calories as a function of SES and energy need/condition/glucose)
  3. tables of descriptive statistics (M, SD, Range)


For each study the authors report…

Study 1

The goal is to reproduce the demographic descriptives in the Participants section here.

Study 2

The goal is to reproduce the demographic descriptives in the Participants section here.

Study 3

The goal is to reproduce the demographic descriptives in the Participants section here.


Study 1

The goal is to reproduce this column graph.

Study 2

The goal is to reproduce this column graph.

Study 3

The goal is to reproduce this column graph.


Study 1

The goal is to reproduce the values and formatting in this table.

Study 2

The goal is to reproduce the values and formatting in this table.

Study 3

The goal is to reproduce the values and formatting in this table.

First steps

To get started we need to…